I picked up a Pebble Time Round cheap on Amazon after seeing a friend sporting one recently. Finally, a watch that's lady-wrist sized! It's pretty and e-paper! It's notifications work and they have adorable animations! It's developer friendly! I love this thing.
Pebble has built-in activity tracking that I'm syncing out to other systems like Google Fit and Fitbit
My GadgetWraps strap matches my keyboard. Swoon.
The evening it arrived, the rumours started that Fitbit had acquired Pebble and Pebble would be no more. Uh oh. Did I jump in too late?
So slim. This thing actually just looks like a regular watch.
Even with the backlight off, the e-paper displaying my minimal watch face is easy to read at a glance
Today, Pebble confirmed that the company did indeed get acquired, along with all of it's IP and some of the team. Pebble is dissolving, and the hardware is no longer being manufactured.
Bummer. At least I know why it was cheap now.
I'm not returning it. It's a nice device and it's not going to stop working overnight and really, what are the alternatives for a slim watch that doesn't look like you strapped a circa-1999 Nokia to your arm? The Time Round is arguably the only feature-rich wearable that appears to have not been exclusively designed for chunky white guys.
There's an alternative operating system for the watches, called GadgetBridge, that I may have to look into but honestly, given that most hardware these days seems destined to return to the sand it was once formed from within a year or two, I didn't believe this was a forever deal anyway.